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12-18'' bare root trees (Deciduous)

12-18'' bare root trees (Deciduous)

$45/bundle of 25

or $2.75/each


Cherry, Mongolian 
Cherry, Nanking
Chokecherry, Common, Shubert
Cotoneaster, Peking
Currant, American Black
Currant, Golden
Dogwood, Redosier
Indigo, False
Lilac, Common
Lilac, White
Plum, American
Rose, Hansen Hedge
Russian Almond 
Sumac, Skunkbush
Sumac, Smooth
Willow, Sandbar


Crabapple, Midwest
Crabapple, Siberian
Hawthorn, Roundleaf
Maple, Amur
Maple, Tatarian
Pear, Harbin
Willow, Laurel Leaf


Cherry, Black
Cottonwood, Hybrid Male
Elm, Prinston
Honeylocust, Thornless
Maple, Silver
Oak, Bur
Willow, Golden


Aronia Berry 'McKenzie'
Buckeye, Ohio
Catalpa, Northern
Cottonwood, Hybrid Male
Cottonwood, Native
Cranberry, Highbush
Elderberry, Common
Hazelnut, American
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